Puppy Starter Box

Puppy Starter Box


This box has been put together to help your puppy get started on enrichment with some basic toys. These toys are easy to use and help build your pup’s skills and coordination without frustration.

These items can be used both at home or prepared and taken with you to puppy classes.

A well structured puppy class will have active learning times and times when your puppy will need to be learning calm and enrichment is a great way to do this.

Included in this box is :

  • A stuff-able enrichment toy

  • A Suction Paw Lick Pad

  • A chewable and stuff-able enrichment toy

  • A Tug Rope made of soft flexible material which is good for growing teeth

  • Treats and goodies

  • Supported by our in house video tutorials and inspiration page to help you get the most out of your toys and tools

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