Meet our in-house Crazies
Seven – Owner, Trainer and Chief Crazy!
Hi, I’m Seven (yes, that is my real name).
I am a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA)-studied with the Delta Institute. I’ve been training using positive reinforcement for over 16 years and have been working and volunteering in animal welfare for around the same time period.
I’m passionate about the emotional well being of all furry and feathered critterz as well as education of owners and guardians.
7 yrs ago I started my own business- Crazy Critterz Training and Pet Services working with everything from puppies, rescue dogs, shy and timid dogs and now specializing in reactive and aggressive dogs.
I credit my work with Reactive dogs to my old boy Phatso as he was 50kgs of reactive Bull Arab. Together we went on a steep learning curve in all things reactivity.
I am a registered MindDogs Trainer helping teams get ready to sit their public access test which has fast become one of my favourite roles in training.
Enrichment plays a part in all of these cases. I’m continuously updating my skills and education to ensure my finger is on the pulse and that we are bringing you the most up to date and relevant products on the market.
I love honing my skills by training as many different species as I can as each learner teaches me something different.
To date I have trained not just Dogs but also Cats, Birds Cheetah Cubs, Pigs, Goats, Guinea Pigs and Sheep!
Science based training works with all creatures great and small with no aversives needed.
I am currently owned by :
Jangles the most ridiculously amazing Rescue dog who you will get to know
A crazy little ragdoll cat named Banana
A Snowshoe mix kitty called Lollipop
My sphynx named Fergus who has the best resting bitch face on the planet!
And my feathered flock of Polly the King Parrot and Mikey the Major Mitchell Cockatoo!
Asgard - Brand Ambassador
A little bit about myself: I am a certified fluffy boy who loves socialising with friends while out but absolutely love getting my food and toy enrichment on when I'm at home! I get so excited when my humans get home I have to grab the nearest toy so that I can get them to play with me!
I also love sitting out in the rain pondering life's mysteries; who really is the goodest boy?
My favourite toy so far: Toilet rolls with treats hidden inside and any soft toys - so I can destuff their innards and rip out their squeaky hearts!
Why I wanted to be a CCTB BA: I love new toys and treats and love the surprise of finding out what’s in my CCTB every month! Always looking for new ways to keep my brain busy while having fun at the same time!
My socials
Shadow - Brand Ambassador
A little bit about myself: I like eating food, playing, eating non-food, testing the bounds of my parents love, and general mischief making I’ve had leg health issues for the last 6 months, so you’ll see me sporting socks and bandages and boots (all of which I love to eat!) until I’m recovered and can run free again.
My favourite toy so far: I love the tug a jug! It’s the longest lasting of my food toys and it has some different textures that feel great in my mouth. I always do a victory lap when I get this one!
Why I wanted to be a CCTB BA: I’m a young, energetic dog that needs to be occupied physically, mentally, and tastebud-sy so the Crazy Critterz philosophy is perfect for me! Plus I ️ Miss Seven and our adventure walks!
My socials:
Bosley - Brand Ambassador
A little bit about me: I am young Australian Shepherd and I’m still learning a lot about how the world works.
I was born with a bob tail and my wiggly bum seems to have a mind of its own! You can tell when I’m crazy happy to see you cos my butt swings around and I come at you face AND bum first!
I have two older cat brothers who I love to play with but I’m not allowed to chase which is a bummer cos I really, REALLY love to chase!
Favourite toy: Squeaky balls, My Kong quest toys and anything feathery I can steal from my cat brothers.
Reason I wanted to be a CCTB BA: My humans have had such fun coming up with all my enrichment and love trying out new things! Sharing those cool products and ideas with our friends is half the fun!
My Socials:
Yogi - Brand Ambassador
A little bit about myself: I’m a crazy cattle dog with a big heart! I love being out exploring, finding new puddles to lay in, meeting new friends and going for drives. The best part of my day is heading to the park to have a good run around.
My favourite toy: It has to be my Bluey toy, though I’m rather partial to tennis balls and anything that squeaks.
Why I wanted to be a CCTB BA: I wanted to be part of CCTB BA as I suffer from separation anxiety when mum heads to work. I get so many treats and enrichment toys when she leaves but I’m still a work in progress and hope to get this more under control.
My socials;
Maggie - Brand Ambassador
A little bit about myself:
I am a young rescue girl adopted from my local pound at 4 months of age. Little did my parents know if grow into a big 37kg girl.
I spend my spare time getting told off for doing zoomies in the house, stealing my parents spots on the couch, hunting for socks, and my all-time favourite napping!
When my humans get home I love doing laps of the house with a toy in my mouth!
My favourite toy so far:
The Odin! I love throwing it and trying to get those treats hidden inside! I have two of them but I've lost one!
Why I wanted to be a CCTB BA:
Let's be honest, I'm a little bit crazy! I love to chew and without daily enrichment I destroy things that apparently aren't mine!
My socials